Intro about the topic:> There are many people in the world today who want to gain or loose weight to make their body fit . There are many methods by which you can increase or decrease your body weight either by the use of supplements or by natural methods like by eating healthy food to gain n stop eating junk food to decrease. Today, I am going to tell you about about how to gain weight by eating healthy food and it's for vegetarian people too because many people post about how to gain weight but they add non-vegetarian items in it too and without any supplements .So , lets start the topic First of all I will talk about what your body need to increase you body weight and in what amount you need it like calories,proteins and many other important nutrients. CALORIES: Vegetables are healthy but they don't have enough calories which can complete your calorie requirements for the whole day but their are many other fruits , dried fruits and other healthy things which can c...